Moving a TFS 2008 Project to TFS 2010

Okay, so it’s not directly related to SharePoint, but it is related to Team Foundation Server 2010.  I am in charge of our software development team, and we use to be on TFS 2008 Workgroup Edition limiting 5 users.  I had to remove myself and have a few folks share a user ID because a BI project we had (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS) was still on the 2008 TFS Server, and we have more than the 5 developers.  I eventually added myself back, and decided that it is time to move projects to the new TFS2010.

I decided to move it all, however when I unbind, and rebind, I get the following message:

The solution is in a directory mapped to team server http://<Original_TFS_server_name>:<port>.
Continuing will close the existing team server Target_TFS_Server and open team server http://<Original_TFS_Server_name>:<port>/ Continue?


Okay, this is not cool!  Why would I like to re bind to the old server, and why doesn’t it give me the option to connect to the new server?

Answer: Because VS 2008 is looking at the old Team Foundation Cache.  Here are the steps to solve this issue that will connect your old project to the new team foundation server:

First with your Visual Studio project open, go to File, Source Control, and Change Source Control…

Next, unbind all of he projects…


All of your projects inside of your solution should now be unbound.

Next, from the Tools Menu in Visual Studio 2008, select Connect To Team Foundation Server…

Select the new 2010 server

Close Visual Studio 2008.

Next, navigate in Explorer to the following path:

%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\2.0\Cache

Create a new folder called OldCache (or what ever you would like)

Move all of the files and folders from %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\2.0\Cache to the new folder you just created.

Open Visual Studio, while you are now connected to the new Team Foundation Server, open the new solution.  From the File menu, select Source Control, then point to Add Solution to Source Control…

Walla, you can now connect to your 2010 projects, and add this solution to the new TFS Server.


You can reference this link from Microsoft for more information:

Categories: SharePoint or Custom Development | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Moving a TFS 2008 Project to TFS 2010

  1. John Pinola Jr

    Hi Bill,

    I have several projects I need to move from TFS 2008 to TFS 2010. Is there a faster way to attempt this?



  2. Kerry

    I don’t have the “Change Source Control” option and I’m the administrator of our TFS 2008. Any suggestions?

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